You are God’s child and you need to start acting like it!

Imagine never being anxious or worried about anything! It seems like an impossibility—we all have worries on the job, in our home, at school. But Paul’s advice is to turn our worries into prayers. Do you want to worry less? Then pray more! Whenever you start to worry, stop and pray.

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, a worrywart is a person who worries too much or who worries about things that are not important. Before I started this blog (and still sometimes today) I worried about it. I worried that I would lose family and friends, be talked about, not be supported, and all kinds of other things. I worried about my life and those in it. I even worried about things and situations that had absolutely nothing to do with me. I was worrying so much that I was physically making myself sick. I sometimes allowed my insecurities and worries to drive me right out of God’s blessings for me!

One day on my way home from work, I was in my car sitting at a red light. I normally have some type of music playing in the background, but on that particular day it was quiet. I had so many thoughts and worries running through my head, that it became overwhelming. I tried to turn on the radio to get my mind off of things, but every station was full of static. I knew that God was trying to get my attention. I had not spent any quality time with Him in days and it was affecting me greatly.

When I arrived home and got settled in for the night, I sat on the side of my bed and began to pray. I was lead to look up scriptures and passages about worry. The one that really spoke to me was Matthew 6:25-34. I know I read those scriptures one hundred times that night. The more I read, the more I understood. Every time I read them, I could feel the burdens on my shoulders get lighter and lighter.

Matthew 6:25-34 AMP

25 Therefore I tell you, stop being worried or anxious (perpetually uneasy, distracted) about your life, as to what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, as to what you will wear. Is life not more than food, and the body more than clothing? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they neither sow [seed] nor reap [the harvest] nor gather [the crops] into barns, and yet your heavenly Father keeps feeding them. Are you not worth much more than they? 27 And who of you by worrying can add one hour to [the length of] his life? 28 And why are you worried about clothes? See how the lilies and wildflowers of the field grow; they do not labor nor do they spin [wool to make clothing], 29 yet I say to you that not even Solomon dressed himself like one of these. 30 But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which is alive and green today and tomorrow is [cut and] thrown [as fuel] into the furnace, will He not much more clothe you? You of little faith! 31 Therefore do not worry or be anxious (perpetually uneasy, distracted), saying, ‘What are we going to eat?’ or ‘What are we going to drink?’ or ‘What are we going to wear?’ 32 For the [pagan] Gentiles eagerly seek all these things; [but do not worry,] for your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33 But first and most importantly seek (aim at, strive after) His kingdom and His righteousness [His way of doing and being right—the attitude and character of God], and all these things will be given to you also. 34 So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

While reading and taking notes, I found seven reasons not to worry.

  1. The same God who created life in you can be trusted with the details of your life.
  2. Worrying about the future hampers your efforts for today.
  3. Worrying is more harmful than helpful.
  4. God does not ignore those who depend on Him.
  5. Worry shows lack of faith and understanding of God.
  6. There are real challenges God wants us to pursue, and worrying keeps us from them.
  7. Living one day at a time keeps us from being consumed with worry.

Still to this day, I find myself worrying or being anxious. I talk to God about it and I have a little pep talk with myself. The last time I was worried about something, I told myself, “You are God’s child and you need to start acting like it!”

Below I have listed the scriptures that help me when I am worried or anxious. I like to write them on postcards or sticky notes and put them in places like on my computers, on my mirrors around the house, or in my phone as daily reminders. I pray that these scriptures help you as they have helped me.


Mathew 6:25-34. Reasons not to worry.

Matthew 8:23-27. Let Christ calm the storms in your life.

Matthew 10:29-31. Jesus will take care of you; don’t worry.

Matthew 14:25-33. Don’t look at troubles, look to God.

Mark 4:35-41. Place your confidence and trust in Christ.

Psalm 34. How to trust God.

Philippians 4:6-18. How to have peace instead of worry.

We worry about details in our lives over which we have no control, while neglecting specific areas that are under our control. Concentrate on what God has given you to do, and leave the rest to Him. Jesus said that God cares for the sparrows’ every need. We are far more valuable to God than these birds, so valuable that God sent His only Son to die for us (John 3:16). You are of great worth to God. Because He places such value on you, you need never fear personal threats or difficult trials. But don’t think that because you are valuable to God He will take away all of your troubles. The real test of value is how well something holds up under the wear, tear, and abuse of everyday life. Those who stand up for Christ in spite of their troubles truly have lasting value and receive great rewards.

Love Always,


3 thoughts on “You are God’s child and you need to start acting like it!

  1. Wow !!! What a great message from one who is allowing God to use her.
    I am so proud of you for allowing God to use you as a voice for Him.
    We need to start acting like we are Gods children, I totally agree with you.
    God had much in store fo you Ashley, just continue to allow Him to direct you and don’t let others discourage you. Keep on keepin on. Love you much.


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